Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!!

Whoa, Nellie!! Hold on to your iconic memorabilia hats and just try and take in this unbelievable news ... Daily Finance (dailyfinance.com) is reporting that NASA has not only agreed to sell some of the used space shuttle fleet, but they're wheelin' and dealin' like they never whelt and dealt before!! Sure you've seen them for sale for much, much more - when they were available - but one-time-only, in honor of the recently departed tele-pitchman extraordinaire Billy Mays, instead of the $42 million price they were originally offered at, for the first 25 callers they will reduce the price to an incredible $28.8 million, including free delivery on the back of a 747 to the major airport of your choice!

But wait! As if that wasn't enough, call right now and NASA has agreed to also throw in a used main shuttle engine for only the cost of shipping and handling (no joke - that's the real offer). Can you imagine how much fun we can have with that on the desert shooting trips or even the 4th of July!! The fun would never cease!

So you tell me - how can we pass this up? If Michael Jackson was still alive, I can only imagine his enthusiasm for adding this to his theme park. Of course, once the shuttle is off loaded at the airport, getting it to a permanent base might be a pretty interesting task, but, hey - Kathy's got a pickup truck, and our neighbor Gary has about every tool known to man. And Chet, Zack and Chris can lift almost anything - we all ready know that - plus Chet can pack like nobody's business. It's a perfect fit! Megan can handle all the paperwork (plus dress Lily up to be the cutest shuttle pilot ever), Bill can handle the money and Carizza can handle all the catering needs plus developing the hand signals we need to load and unload.

So Chet, get ready to move the RV out of the back yard - shuttle coming in!! I totally see this working!

Of course, there is that small matter of the $28.8 million ... what do you think, gang? Car washes or bake sales? According to my calculations, we are only $28.7 million short ...

Just keeping the dream alive ...



  1. "But wait! There's more! Order before midnight tonight and get a 2nd shuttle for FREE! Operators are on duty now!"
